I wanted to introduce everyone to my new colleague/toy the Canon 50mm 1.4 Lens. It is seen here attached to my Canon 40D. This is my christmas present from my dad this year, and since these things can be really hard to find, I ordered it when I saw Roberts Imaging had them in stock. I really wanted it for a road-trip I am going on next month. I haven't shot with it yet, because the weather has been really crappy. I'm sure when I finally use it, I will post a photo. It is suppose to be an incredible lens and a must have. We will see when I finally do a review. That will come with my first shots though. It is joining my 85 1.8, 24-135 3.5-5.6, and my 75-300 4.5-5.6 in my carry-all camera bag.
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